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Instagram is likely near the top of your list of channels that can contribute to the expansion of your small business if you run one of those. Do the benefits of having a company Instagram account live up to the hype? What steps can you take to ensure its success for your own brand?

The following is information that you need to know about the perks that come with having an Instagram account for your business. In this section, we will discuss what they are, what they are capable of doing, and how you can use them to grow your audience and your customer base.

1. Orient your company so that it can reach one billion users who are actively engaged!

One of the most widely used social networking applications now available is instagram viewer. It has more than 1 billion active users, with an average of 500 million people perusing, filtering, and posting every single day.

To put this into perspective, if Instagram were a country, it would have the third highest population in the world, moving the United States of America to the fourth spot.

In addition to this, if you open an Instagram account for your company, you will be able to enhance the visual branding of your company, and as a result, you will be in a position that is unparalleled to reach millions of prospective clients.

2. Communicate with users who are actively engaged and who enjoy following businesses

People’s reluctance to view advertisements is one of the most significant challenges faced by the advertising industry. Users of social media are aware of the latest strategies used in modern advertising, and the majority of people even train themselves to ignore specific advertisements, resulting in a condition known as banner blindness.

However, here’s the catch: the vast majority of Instagram users genuinely enjoy following brand accounts.

By the year 2020, ninety percent of Instagram users will have followed a business account. When you do the math, you’ll see that… 90 percent of one billion, which comes out to… 900 million monthly active users who are now following at least one business account on Instagram.

The number 900 million is not a terrible one to have. You can be certain that prospective clients will want to follow you on Instagram after you have created a branded account for your business and have updated your feed with posts that are visually appealing and informative.

3. Set up an automatic response to all of your direct messages on Instagram by linking your company account to MobileMonkey.

When those 900 million consumers begin following and interacting with your company, there is a good chance that they may have some queries. That indicates they will be ready to direct message you, which is very exciting! When they do, though, it is imperative that you respond to them as soon as possible; otherwise, you run the danger of losing their attention.

Connecting your email inbox to MobileMonkey’s Auto Reply Bot is one of the most advantageous aspects of having an Instagram business account. If you have an Instagram business account, you may do this.

With MobileMonkey, you can respond to each direct message without having to spend hours each day reading and organizing direct messages, hiring many virtual assistants (VAs) to assist you, or, even worse, not answering direct messages at all.

4. Make sure to promote your own posts so that you may reach a larger audience.

You have the ability to enhance significant postings to Instagram using a business account, bringing them to the attention of a greater number of users.

When you have decided on a post to advertise, the next step is to identify a target demographic, decide on a budget, and set the length of time the campaign will be active.

Because you are promoting an already existing post, it will blend into the interface of Instagram, which will increase the likelihood that users will connect with you. Invariably, a higher level of engagement results in improved relationships with existing customers, which in turn leads to increased revenue.

5. Target specific consumers on Instagram with your advertising campaigns

Banner blindness can be combatted on Instagram by cultivating a community of users who are passionate about following the companies they’re most interested in. Another approach would be to enable business accounts to promote previously published content.

There is also a third option available. Advertisements can be run by business accounts directly within Instagram by utilizing the Ad Manager to choose the format, audience, and purpose of the advertisement.

(As you can plainly see, Instagram is doing a fantastic job of focusing its attention on one of our content writers.)

Instagram denotes advertisements in the same way that it does promoted posts by placing the word “Sponsored” directly beneath your Instagram handle. You also get a button labeled as a “call to action,” which enables you to indicate to your followers what they should do next.

6. Integrate advertisements on Instagram with those on Facebook, Google, and other platforms.

Because Facebook owns Instagram, there is a smooth integration between the two platforms’ advertising platforms. Even the Ads Manager that it utilizes is the same.

This implies that you can easily utilize retargeting advertisements to remind your followers about you while they are browsing through the Facebook pages of their friends or visiting the websites that they find most interesting.

If someone discovers your business for the first time through your Instagram profile for that business, they will need to be “warmed up” before they are willing to make a purchase from you. This is made possible by retargeting.

7. To increase the size of your email list derived from Instagram, use the messaging automation capabilities provided by MobileMonkey.

When you create an Instagram account for your business, you’ll have the option to add call-to-action (CTA) buttons to the section of your Instagram business profile that’s below your bio. “Message” is one of these options.

Beginning conversations on Instagram is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your company since doing so generates direct messages, which in turn offers your content an algorithmic boost, meaning that Instagram will show your material to more people.

When users send you direct messages asking for more information, Instagram recognizes that you are providing genuine value to your audience. Therefore, it provides you with a boost.

The newly released messaging automation solutions from MobileMonkey not only assist you in beginning conversations on Instagram, but they also assist you in expanding your email subscriber base simultaneously.

8. Refine your marketing plan by using the analytics tools provided by Instagram

One more of the best advantages of having an Instagram account for a business is that you are able to see via Instagram Insights who is connecting with the content that you post.

Instagram Insights, which is quite similar to the stats that are available on Facebook, will tell you how well you did on Instagram during the past week. This comprises the number of followers acquired (or lost), impressions made, number of posts, views of the profile, clicks on the website, and clicks on emails.

Additionally, it categorizes your followers according to age, gender, geography, and the hours of the day during which they are most active.

The benefits of Instagram audience insights for businesses.

You will be able to improve your marketing approach by using these insights, and you will only produce content that is successful.

9. To organize and keep track of your communications, you can save time by using the MobileMonkey inbox.

Individual Instagram profiles are only allowed a single inbox. On the other hand, a company account will have three sections, which are titled Requests, General, and Primary.

You have even more potential with MobileMonkey at your disposal. To name just a few of its features, the OmniChat® Inbox gives you the ability to examine all of your direct messages (DMs), organize the messages that need to be followed up on, add numerous users to the inbox, and automatically assign conversations to reps.

An picture illustrating the many features that may be accessed using MobileMonkey’s Ominchat Inbox for Instagram.
In addition, you can complete everything on your home computer without leaving the house. Finally.

10. Use the new Instagram features from MobileMonkey to automatically reply to all of your comments.

When one of your followers responds to one of your posts with a comment indicating how much they connected with it, you should be sure to follow up with them.

Responding to comments doesn’t merely enhance your engagement. It demonstrates to your followers that you are interested in developing a genuine connection with them and that you are prepared to respond to any queries they may have.

You are now able to immediately direct message (DM) anyone who comments on your posts using MobileMonkey’s new Comment Guard feature. You can also configure Instagram to automatically include a link to your posts whenever someone comments on one of them. This brings an audience that is already engaged immediately into your marketing funnel.

11. Make use of the “Swipe Up” feature to incorporate links into your Stories.

You are only given one link to share on Instagram. Because this is at the very end of your company profile, you need to give great consideration to the destination to which you want to direct prospective followers. It’s also the reason why so many individuals include the phrase “link in bio” in the descriptions of their Instagram posts.

There is a solution available for company accounts that have more than 10,000 followers. You have the ability to add a link to relevant Stories by using the “Swipe Up” feature. You may publicize a deal and then direct followers to the page on your website where the offer is being held.

There is no cause for alarm if you do not yet have 10,000 followers. Here are some tips to help you reach your destination… in the meantime, have a look at Advantage No. 12 here.

12. In your direct messages on Instagram, you can convert Instagram traffic into web traffic for free.

You can utilize your direct messages (DMs), just like you can use them to develop an email list for free, you can also use them to build traffic to your website. The best part is that you don’t need 10,000 followers to be successful.

You have the option of sending your followers to a location of your choosing when you utilize the MobileMonkey chatbot to automatically react to all of your direct messages. You have the option of sending them to the homepage of your website, a sales page, or dropping them straight into a funnel.

This works better than tools that put links in your bio since it puts you in contact with individuals who comment and message you immediately, and it does it automatically.

13. Create shoppable posts by labeling things and turning photographs into posts

Instagram is used to discover new items by 70 percent of all shoppers. When you have an Instagram account for your company, you have the ability to tag products and transform your photographs into shoppable posts.

It will resemble anything along these lines:

  • If you run a company in the United States, your customers can use Instagram Checkout to buy things from you without ever having to leave the app itself if you do business there.
  • The more convenient it is for a customer to make a purchase, the greater the likelihood that they will do so. It is a wonderful feature that benefits everyone who is involved.

14. By publicizing the address of your company, you might attract customers to your actual location.

When you are setting up an account for your company, you will be asked to provide the physical address of your company. This information is displayed under your bio and makes it simpler for followers to locate you in real life.

This is the Instagram profile for MobileMonkey. Under the business bio, you’ll find the actual address of the location.

You will also be asked to select the category that best fits your company, which will help your company appear in local search results. It is essential that you make it simple for your followers to get this information, especially if you own a company that operates out of a physical place (like a restaurant, salon, or café, for example).

15. Automate the publishing of your content to save time throughout the day.

You are unable to plan posts in advance on an Instagram account that is used for personal use. Every single one of your files needs to be uploaded in its native format. However, if you have an Instagram business account, you may use the Creator Studio on Facebook to pre-schedule posts for whenever you want them to go live.

It is no longer necessary for you to take time out of your day to post on Instagram because of this change. If you want to go even farther into scheduling all of your Instagram activity in advance, you can utilize one of the many third-party apps that are available, despite the fact that the Creator Studio does not allow you to schedule Stories.

16. The new Instagram tool from MobileMonkey allows you to automatically reply to everyone who mentions you in your Stories.

Sending a thank-you note to anyone mentions you in a Story is a fantastic way to both recognize and encourage others to mention you in their stories.

A screen capture of the automatic thank-you message functionality available in MobileMonkey.
There is a lot of potential for inventiveness in this situation. You may try holding a giveaway using mentions from stories… And as a follow-up to participants’ contest entries, send them a message offering a discount code or some other incentive for participating.

You will experience more engagement on Instagram in addition to an increase in the number of leads obtained.

17. By activating Branded Content Approvals, you may exercise control over which users will brand you as a content partner.

It’s possible that you’ll want to collaborate with Instagram influencers as your business grows on the platform…

Furthermore, some people who aspire to have influence may try to enhance their credibility by claiming to collaborate with you.

Business accounts on Instagram provide you the option to turn on a feature called Branded Content Approvals, which prevents situations like this from occurring. This provides you with the ability to manually approve who tags you, manage your tag requests, and approve business partners who can tag you at any moment, without you having to answer any questions first.

18. Keep an eye on what your rivals are doing (the legal way)

Without the ability to do some light-hearted virtual stalking, Instagram would not be Instagram.

Nevertheless, if you want to improve your own social media marketing plan and gain ideas for your upcoming campaign, one effective technique is to keep an eye on what your rivals are doing on Instagram.

It is important to always be informed of what your competitors are doing, and being current with the social media platforms that they use is an excellent method to do so.

19. With the help of Instagram’s social fundraising tool, you can make the world a better place.

Instagram introduced a brand new social fundraising feature in the month of July 2020. Every Instagram user has the ability to start a fundraising campaign for themselves, their company, or an organization that is meaningful to them and their community.

The feature itself was a reaction to COVID-19, and it is reflective of the contemporary uptick in digital activism, particularly with regard to issues of social justice.

Make use of the social fundraising function to demonstrate to your followers the causes that are near and dear to your heart. Join forces with a charitable organization to do even more.

Be authentic in everything that you do. People are aware of what it looks like when a company supports a social cause just for the purpose of gaining personal wealth, and the repercussions for seeming to support it are significant.

20. Cultivate genuine ties between your brand and its customers.

Building relationships with other people should serve as the focal point of all of your marketing efforts for your company.

It’s almost as if you’re providing them with a window into your life when you consistently make posts that are on-brand and that display your product, speak to your expertise, or just show people what you’re interested about. Followers will have the impression that they are getting to know you better… and if you listen carefully, you’ll learn about them in the process as well.

Because of this, you need to make sure that you follow up with comments and respond to direct messages when they are sent to you. People want to be certain that their voices are being heard. And when you show them that you do, you will create connections that are built on a foundation that can withstand the test of time.